During this Online Workshop Chiba Univerisity will host the Event and ask to Professors from all the Universities involve to give a welcome message to all the participants. Also we will talk about the Main Goals and objectives of this workshop, Schedule and we will wrap it with a Q&A session. After the introduction, the students will share screen with a short presentation about their University and Team Members, this presentation will take from 5 to 10 minutes per University.
During this part of the session, Chiba University Professor Ayako Nagase will give a brief Introduction about the Plants that will interact with us during the workshop. This session will be very important in order to understand the natural needs of the plants.
During this part of the Lecture we will have an introduction about Machine Learning and the use of Generative Adversarial Networks. This session is planned for Designers and students with no background on Machine Learning.
During the whole workshop we will have the live meeting sessions through Zoom platform. Just be sure that you can run Zoom before the session.
All the contents that we are going to use during this workshop are going to be posted on this Github Repository. This repository is going to update constantly during the Workshop.
GitHub RepositoryIn this Repositories each team can share files and make comments to work together
This Workshop is reserved to Chiba University, Yonsei University, Zhejiang University & Tsinghua University Students