Prepare for
Final Presentation

Session 6
February 25

preparation for finals

During this Session students will  Work together to build prototypes and create the final presentation proposal.

Today´s Session
13:00 - 17:00 JP

Schedule & Contents

Today Schedule

from 10:00 - 12:00 meet your team

1.Before Presentation

Students can meet before the presentation in order to put everything in order. Make presentation, practice the pitch and exchange ideas.

from 13:00 - 17:00 Hours

2. Prepare for

During all this session students will work by teams in order prepare the final presentation. Create visuals, prototype and think about storytelling.

Meeting Platform

Zoom Platform

During the whole workshop we will have the live meeting sessions through Zoom platform. Just be sure that you can run Zoom before the session.

Zoom Link
where to find the contents

Main GitHub Repository

All the contents that we are going to use during this workshop are going to be posted on this Github Repository. This repository is going to update constantly during the Workshop.

GitHub Repository

Here you can find the Repository for Each Team

In this Repositories each team can share files and make comments to work together

Team 1 GitHub Team 2 GitHub Team 3 GitHub

Cape program is an educational program for students from different backgrounds and nationalities, including those coming from companies and local governments,and through education, it intends to promote the "contribution of plants to the environment" in a range of urban environments.

CAPE Program

Chiba University

The projects have two main categories: Urban Plant Factories Projects and City Green Projects.  In addition,we are also working on a reconstruction aid project in earthquake stricken areas.

CAPE Program

Chiba University

Join Us in Zoom

If you have some questions please send us an Email

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This Workshop is reserved to Chiba University, Yonsei University, Zhejiang University & Tsinghua University Students